Belajar Bahasa Inggris – Pengertian, Pola Kalimat, Dan Jenis-Jenis Mixed Conditionals Sentences

Belajar Bahasa Inggris –Pengertian, misal Kalimat, dan Jenis-Jenis Mixed Conditionals - Salam semangat teman dekat , pada artikel kali ini kita akan mengulas ihwal “mixed conditional” yang ialah adonan dua tenses yang tidak sama dalam suatu kalimat pengandaian. Bagi anda yang sudah mengikuti pembahasan ihwal conditional sentence menurut tensesnya dari beberapa waktu yang lalu, kini niscaya sudah dekat dengan bentuk-bentuk presentconditional, past conditional and future conditional.
 pada artikel kali ini kita akan mengulas ihwal  Belajar Bahasa Inggris – Pengertian, misal Kalimat, dan Jenis-Jenis Mixed Conditionals Sentences
Pengertian, misal Kalimat, dan Jenis-Jenis Mixed Conditionals Sentences
Taukah anda, ternyata unreal conditional sentences (kalimat pengandaian yang mustahil terjadi) terkadang muncul dalam beberapa kombinasi tenses secara bersamaan. Maksudnya, dalam sebuah kalimat pengandaian, khusunya yang mustahil terjadi, dimungkinkan adanya kombinasi penerapan teses yang tidak sama semisal “Past Unreal Conditional pada kalusa if kemudian dikombinasikan dengan Present Unreal Conditional pada klausa result.” Ini berarti bahwa waktu dalam klausa if tidak sama dengan waktu dalam klausa result. Pelajari rujukan di bawah ini untuk memahami cara mengombinasikan beberapa bentuk kata kerja kondisional menyerupai yang biasa diucapkan oleh native speaker.

Kata kerja berwarna “biru” yakni Present Unreal Conditional.
Kata kerja berwarna “merah” yakni Past Unreal Conditional.
Kata kerja berwarna “hijau” yakni Future Unreal Conditional.

Pola Kalimat Mixed Conditional Sentence

  1. If I had won that quiz, I would be rich. 
    But I didn't win that quiz in the past so I am not rich now.
  2. If I had taken Japguase in high school, I would have more opportunities to stay there. 
    But I didn't take Japguase in high school so I don't have many opportunities to stay there.
  3. If she had been born in the Indonesia, she wouldn't need a visa to stay here. 
    But she wasn't born in the Indonesia so she needs a visa now to stay here.
  1. If she had signed up for the weekend package trip last week, she would be joining us next week. 
    But she didn't sign up for the weekend package trip last week so she isn't going to join us tomorrow.
  2. If Marko had quitted the job, he would be moving to Australia together with us. 
    But Marko didn't quit the job so he is not going to move to Australia together with us.
  3. If Darren hadn't wasted his salary gambling in Las Vegas, he would go to Bali with us next month. 
    But Darren wasted his salary gambling in Las Vegas so he won't go to Bali with us next month.
  1. If I were rich, I would have bought the private jet we saw yesterday. 
    But I am not currently rich so I didn't buy the private jet we saw yesterday.
  2. If Sam spoke Spanish, he would have translated the letter I sent to him last week. 
    But Sam doesn't speak Spanish so he didn't understand the letter.
  3. If I didn't have to work every Sunday, I would have watched the big match last night. 
    But I have to work every Sunday so I didn't go to the party last night.
  1. If I had so much vacation time, I would go with you on the cruise to Alaska next week. 
    But I don’t have a lot of vacation time so I will not go on the trip next week.
  2. If Cindy were more diligent to come punctually, the company would promote her to a better position. 
    But Cindy is not diligent so the company won't promote her to a better position.
  3. If Dani weren't in free time, he wouldn't be tutoring you in math tonight. 
    But Dani is in free time so he is going to tutor you tonight.
  1. If I were going on my business trip next week, I would not have accepted that new assignment at work. 
    But I am not going to go on a business trip next week, so I accepted that new assignment at work.
  2. If my parents were coming this weekend, I would have planned a nice trip for us to Napa Valley. 
    But my parents are not going to come this weekend, so I didn't plan a trip for us to Napa Valley.
  3. If Donna weren't making us a big dinner tonight, I would have booked some dinning tables in a nice Italian restaurant. 
    But she is going to make us a big dinner tonight, so I didn't book some dinning tables in a nice Italian restaurant.
  1. If I were going to that concert tonight, I would not be so sad
    But I am not going to go to that concert tonight so I am so sad.
  2. If Sandy were giving a speech tomorrow, she would be so busy to prepare it
    But Sandy is not going to give a speech tomorrow so he is not busy to prepare it.

Nah supaya pembahasan kali ini bermanfaa untuk teman dekat tiruana. Satu hal penting yang perlu kita garis bawahi pada pembahasan kali ini yakni ternyata unreal conditional sentences (kalimat pengandaian yang mustahil terjadi) terkadang muncul dalam beberapa kombinasi tenses secara bersamaan. Maksudnya, dalam sebuah kalimat pengandaian, khusunya yang mustahil terjadi, dimungkinkan adanya kombinasi penerapan teses yang tidak sama dikarenakan kondisi dan karenanya berada dalam kurun waktu yang tidak sama. So setelah berguru mixed conditional ini supaya kita tiruana menjadi lebih kaya wawasan ihwal kalimat pengandaian. Masih ingin berguru ihwal bahan bahasa Inggris yang lain? Klik di sini.