Contoh Surat Lamaran Pekerjaan Dalam Bahasa Inggris

misal Surat Lamaran Pekerjaan dalam Bahasa Inggris misal Surat Lamaran Pekerjaan dalam Bahasa Inggris
Teknik praktis berguru bahasa Inggris - misal surat lamaran pekerjaan dalam bahasa Inggris sanggup menjadi sebuah contoh dalam pembelajaran maupun dalam dunia nyata. Ketika mempelajari bahasa di sekolah, biasanya siswa membutuhkan contoh surat lamaran pekerjaan dalam bahasa Inggris sebagai salah satu materi. Kendati demikian, contoh surat lamaran tersebut sanggup juga digunakan oleh seseorang yang ingin melamar kerja di sebuah perusahaan asing.

Kami mencoba mempersembahkan contoh surat lamaran pekerjaan dalam bahasa Inggris dengan jumlah dua buah. Pada contoh yang pertama, Anda akan melihat sebuah surat lamaran pekerjaan yang singkat dan padat. Konsep yang pertama ialah konsep formal. Sedangkan, pada contoh surat lamaran pekerjaan dalam bahasa Inggris yang kedua memakai konsep yang lebih santai sebab pelamar menceritakan secara detail memakai kalimat-kalimat persuasif. Silakan Anda lihat kedua contoh diberikut ini.

misal Surat Lamaran Pekerjaan dalam Bahasa Inggris pertama

Reza Aldrin
8 Teuku Umar
BAndar Lampung, Lampung, CA 34157

Gilbert Shawn
AIG Company
87 Sudirman
South Gandaria, Jakarta, CA 12140

Dear Mr. Shawn,

I am writing this letter to apply for the accountant position advertised in the Jakarta Post. As requested at the advertisement, I am enclosing a completed job application, my resume, my certification and two references.

The employment opportunity in the ad is very interesting. I believe that the knowledge and experience I have is able to make the company that you lead to achieve better performances. The strengths that I have in order to get this position are:

  • I have worked at two major companies engaged in insurance.
  • I have helped to create a better financial system and gave the good impact on corporate profits.
  • I have a lot of expertise, especially in terms of computation and accuracy of financial management.
  • Education that I have in the field of accounting, finance, and the computer operator is considered highly enough to get this position.

Please see my resume that I have enclosed for the additional information of my experiences. I can be contacted anytime via email at or my cell phone, 0812-5556-5555.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I very look forward to speak with you about this employment opportunity.


Reza Aldrin

misal Surat Lamaran Pekerjaan dalam Bahasa Inggris kedua

Andika Hermawan
09 Sudirman
Bontang, East Kalimantan, CA 75311

Bramantya Andrean
Light Peak Company
65 Pegangsaan
South GAndaria, Jakarta, CA 12140

Dear Mr. Andrean

I am writing this letter to apply for a job as an assistant manager at a company that you lead. I feel my education and experience I have is getting fit on this position. I have worked in two foreign companies located in Jakarta and Kalimantan in the category of insurance companies and plantation companies. I am interested to contribute in your company because there is a rapid increase of the company in recent years. With the experience I have, I feel able to get the position and help the company to achieve a higher profit.

In the job description that I have been enclosed, I have worked 3 years in insurance company located in Jakarta and worked for 4 years in the oil mining company located in Kalimantan. In the first company, I reached the peak of my career as a supervisor with oversight of more than 50 employees each day. Whereas, when I was working in Borneo, I reached a position as an assistant manager to take the company to the achievement of the highest shares.

In the ad, this company said that a worker received must have the strong management intelligence. Through experience that I have gained during more than 3 years as a supervisor and an assistant manager, I am sure that I can reach the high intelligence level of organization and management.

I look forward to discuss my qualifications with you. In fact I would make the trip to Jakarta next month if you decide to follow my job interview. In the meantime, I can be contacted on 0812-555-1234.

Thank you for reviewing my job application.


Andika Hermawan

Itulah dua contoh surat lamaran pekerjaan dalam bahasa Inggris yang sanggup Anda aplikasikan dalam pelajaran atau dunia kerja. Semoga memmenolong Anda.