Rumus, Rujukan Kalimat Active Dan Passive Voice Past Perfect Tense Dan Artinya

Di bawah ini yakni rumus lengkap aktif pasif (active-passive voice) kalimat past perfect tense bentuk positive, negative, interrogative possitive dan interrogative negative yang disertai dengan contoh-contohnya.

Rumus dan misal Active-Passive Bentuk Positive

  • Active: S+ had+ verb 3 (past participle)+ O
  • Passive: O+ had+ been+ verb 3 (past participle)+ by+ S

misal active:
  • Malin Kundang had bought the ship by his money (Malin Kundang sudah membeli kapal itu dengan uangnya)
  • Jarwo had given his meat-ball for Sopo- but Sopo still cried (Jarwo sudah mempersembahkan bakso-nya untuk Sopo, ttapi Sopo masih saja menangis)
  • Ultraman had killed the monster (Ultraman sudah membunuh monster itu)
  • Syailendra had built Borobudur before 14th century (Syailendra sudah membangun candi Borobudur sebelum periode ke-14)
  • Boboho had eaten some bananas on the table- but he's still hungry (Boboho sudah memakan beberapa pisang yang ada di atas meja, tetapi masih saja beliau lapar)
misal passive:
  • The ship had been bought by Malin Kundang by his money (Kapal itu sudah dibeli Malin Kundang dengan uangnya)
  • Jarwo's meat-ball had been given by him for Sopo- but Sopo still cried (Bakso-nya Jarwo sudah beliau diberikan untuk Sopo, tapi Sopo masih saja menangis)
  • The monster had been killed by Ultraman (Monster itu sudah dibunuh Ultraman)
  • Borobudur had been built by Syailendra- before 14th century (Candi Borobudur sudah dibangun Syailendra sebelum periode ke-14)
  • Some bananas on the table had been eaten by Boboho- but he's still hungry (Beberapa pisang yang ada di atas meja sudah Boboho makan, tetapi masih saja beliau lapar)

Lihat juga:

Rumus dan misal Active-Passive Bentuk Negative

  • Active: S+ had+ not+ verb 3+ O
  • Passive: O+ had+ not+ been+ verb 3+ by+ S

misal active:
  • Malin Kundang hadn't bought the ship- because he didn't have enough money (Malin Kundang belum membeli kapal itu alasannya beliau tidak punya cukup uang)
  • Jarwo hadn't given his meat-ball to Sopo, so, Sopo kept crying (Jarwo belum mempersembahkan bakso-nya ke Sopo, jadi Sopo terus menangis)
  • Ultraman hadn't killed the monster (Ultraman belum membunuh monster itu)
  • Syailendra hadn't built Borobudur- because he hadn't found the best location (Syailendra belum membangun candi Borobudur alasannya beliau belum menemukan daerah paling bagus)
  • Boboho hadn't eaten the bananas- but he'd been satisfied (Boboho belum memakan pisang-pisang itu, namun beliau sudah kenyang)
misal passive:
  • The ship hadn't been bought by Malin Kundang- because he didn't have enough money (Kapal itu belum Malin Kundang beli alasannya beliau tidak punya cukup uang)
  • Jarwo's meat-ball hadn't been given by him to Sopo, so, Sopo kept crying (Bakso-nya Jarwo belum beliau diberikan ke Sopo, jadi Sopo terus menangis)
  • The monster hadn't been killed by Ultraman (Monster itu belum dibunuh Ultraman)
  • Borobudur hadn't been built by Syailendra, but it had been designed by him (Candi Borobudur belumlah dibangun Syailendra, namun itu sudah beliau desain)
  • The banana hadn't been eaten by Boboho (Pisang itu belum dimakan Boboho)

Rumus dan misal Active-Passive Bentuk Interrogative Positive

  • Active: Had+ S+ verb 3+ O
  • Passive: Had+ O+ been+ verb 3+ by+ S

misal active:
  • Had Malin Kundang bought the ship? (Apa Malin Kundang sudah membeli kapal itu?)
  • Had Jarwo given his meat-ball for Sopo? (Apa Jarwo sudah mempersembahkan bakso-nya untuk Sopo?)
  • Had Ultraman killed the monster? (Apa Ultraman sudah membunuh monster itu?)
  • Had Syailendra built Borobudur- before 14th century? (Apa Syailendra sudah membangun candi Borobudur sebelum periode ke-14?)
  • Had Boboho eaten the bananas? (Apa Boboho sudah memakan pisang-pisang itu?)
misal passive:
  • Had the ship been bought by Malin Kundang? (Apa kapal itu sudah dibeli Malin Kundang?)
  • Had Jarwo's meat-ball been given by him to Sopo? (Apakah bakso-nya Jarwo sudah beliau diberikan kepada Sopo?)
  • Had the monster been killed by Ultraman? (Apakah monster itu sudah dibunuh Ultraman?)
  • Had Borobudur been built by Syailendra- before 14th century? (Apakah candi Borobudur sudah dibangun Syailendra sebelum periode ke-14?)
  • Had the bananas been eaten by Boboho? (Apakah pisang-pisang itu sudah Boboho makan?)

Rumus dan misal Active-Passive Bentuk Interrogative Negative

  • Active: Had+ not+ S+ verb 3+ O
  • Passive: Had+ not+ O+ been+ verb 3+ by+ S

misal active:
  • Hadn't Malin Kundang bought the ship? (Apakah Malin Kundang belum membeli kapal itu?)
  • Hadn't Jarwo given his meat-ball for Sopo? (Apakah Jarwo belum mempersembahkan bakso-nya untuk Sopo?)
  • Hadn't Ultraman killed the monster? (Apakah Ultraman belum membunuh monster itu?)
  • Hadn't Syailendra built Borobudur- before 14th century? (Apakah Syailendra belum membangun candi Borobudur sebelum periode ke-14?)
  • Hadn't Boboho eaten the bananas? (Apaakah Boboho belum memakan pisang-pisang itu?)
misal passive:
  • Hadn't the ship been bought by Malin Kundang? (Apakah kapal itu belum Malin Kundang beli?)
  • Hadn't Jarwo's meat-ball been given by him for Sopo? (Apakah bakso-nya Jarwo belum beliau diberikan untuk Sopo?)
  • Hadn't the monster been killed by Ultraman? (Apakah monster itu belum dibunuh Ultraman?)
  • Hadn't Borobudur been built by Syailendra- before 14th century? (Apakah candi Borobudur belum Syailendra bangkit sebelum periode ke 14?)
  • Hadn't the bananas been eaten by Boboho? (Apakah pisang-pisang itu belum Boboho makan?)

Untuk mengetahui rumus ekspresi dan nominal beserta pengertian dan fungsi kalimat past perfect tense, click link di bawah ini:

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