Rumus, Referensi Kalimat Active Dan Passive Voice Present Perfect Tense

Berikut ini adalah rumus aktif pasif (active-passive voice) kalimat present perfect tense bentuk positive, negative, interrogative possitive dan interrogative negative lengkap beserta contoh-contohnya.

Rumus dan misal Active-Passive Bentuk Positive

  • Active: S+ have/has+ verb 3 (past participle)+ O
  • Passive: O+ have/has+ been+ verb 3 (past participle)+ by+ S

  • To be "have" untuk subjek/objek I, you dan plural (we,they,people,etc).
  • To be "has" untuk subjek/objek 3rd singular person (she,he,it,Andi, Dina,etc).
  • Penggunaan to be "have/has" dalam kalimat bentuk active tergantung pada subjek, sedang bentuk passive tergantung pada objek.

misal active:
  • Duta has removed the files from his computer (Duta sudah menghapus file-file itu dari komputernya)
  • We have created this paper since 1 week ago (Kami sudah membuat karya ilmiah ini semenjak seminggu lalu)
  • I have opened and read your letter (Aku sudah membuka dan membaca suratmu)
  • She has named her baby Mario (Dia sudah menamai bayinya Mario)
  • They have picked the flowers from the garden (Mereka sudah memetik bunga-bunga itu dari kebun)
misal passive:
  • The files have been removed by Duta from his computer (File-file itu sudah Duta hapus dari komputernya)
  • This paper has been created by us since 1 week ago (Karya ilmiah ini sudah kami buat semenjak seminggu lalu)
  • Your letter has been opened and read by me (Suratmu sudah saya buka dan baca)
  • Her baby has been named by her Mario (Bayinya sudah beliau diberi nama Mario)
  • The flowers have been picked by them from the garden (Bunga-bunga itu sudah mereka petik dari kebun)

Rumus dan misal Active-Passive Bentuk Negative

  • Active: S+ have/has+ not+ verb 3+ O
  • Passive: O+ have/has+ not+ been+ verb 3+ by+ S

misal active:
  • Duta hasn't removed the files from his computer (Duta belum menghapus file-file itu dari komputernya)
  • We haven't finished this paper until now (Kami belum menuntaskan karya ilmiah ini hingga sekarang)
  • I haven't opened and read your letter (Aku belum membuka dan membaca suratmu)
  • She hasn't named her baby- because she's still waiting for her husband (Dia belum menamai bayinya sebab beliau masih menunggu suaminya)
  • They haven't picked the flowers from the garden (Mereka belum memetik bunga-bunga itu dari kebun)
misal passive:
  • The files haven't been removed by Duta from his computer (File-file itu belum Duta hapus dari komputernya)
  • This paper hasn't been finished by us until now (Karya ilmiah ini belum kami selesaikan hingga sekarang)
  • Your letter hasn't been opened and read by me (Suratmu belum saya buka dan baca)
  • Her baby hasn't been named by her- because she's still waiting for her husband (Bayinya belum beliau diberi nama sebab beliau masih menunggu suaminya)
  • The flowers haven't been picked by them from the garden (Bunga-bunga itu belum mereka petik dari kebun)

Rumus dan misal Active-Passive Bentuk Interrogative-Positive

  • Active: Have/has+ S+ verb 3+ O
  • Passive: Have/has+ O+ been+ verb 3+ by+ S

misal active:
  • Has Duta removed the files from his computer? (Apa Duta sudah menghapus file-file itu dari komputernya?)
  • Have you created the paper? (Apa kalian sudah membuat karya ilmiah itu?)
  • Have you opened and read my letter? (Apa engkau sudah membuka dan membaca suratku?)
  • Has she named her baby? (Apa beliau sudah menamai bayinya?)
  • Have they picked the flowers from the garden? (Apa mereka sudah memetik bunga-bunga itu dari kebun?)
misal passive:
  • Have the files been removed by Duta from his computer? (Apa file-file itu sudah Duta hapus dari komputernya?)
  • Has the paper been created by yourselves? (Apa karya ilmiah itu sudah kalian buat?)
  • Has my letter been opened and read by yourself? (Apa suratku sudah engkau buka dan baca?)
  • Has her baby been named by her? (Apakah bayinya sudah beliau diberi nama?)
  • Have the flowers been picked by them from the garden? (Apa bunga-bunga itu sudah mereka petik dari kebun?)

Rumus dan misal Active-Passive Bentuk Interrogative-Negative

  • Active: Have/has+ not+ S+ verb 3+ O
  • Passive: Have/has+ not+ O+ been+ verb 3+ by+ S

misal active:
  • Hasn't Duta removed the files from his computer? (Apa Duta belum menghapus file-file itu dari komputernya?)
  • Haven't you created the paper? (Apa kalian belum membuat karya ilmiah itu?)
  • Haven't you opened and read my letter? (Apa engkau belum membuka dan membaca suratku?)
  • Hasn't she named her baby? (Apa beliau belum menamai bayinya?)
  • Haven't they picked the flower from the garden? (Apa mereka belum memetik bunga-bunga itu dari kebun?)
misal passive:
  • Haven't the files been removed by Duta from his computer? (Apa file-file itu belum Duta hapus dari computernya?
  • Hasn't the paper been created by yourselves? (Apa karya ilmiah itu belum kalian buat?)
  • Hasn't my letter been opened and read by yourself? (Apa suratku sudah engkau baca?)
  • Hasn't the baby been named by her? (Apa bayinya belum beliau diberi nama?)
  • Haven't the flowers been picked by them from the garden? (Apa bunga-bunga itu belum mereka petik dari kebun?)

Untuk kalimat active tanpa objek dan kalimat passive tanpa subjek atau disebut kalimat intransitive verb sanggup dilihat pada contoh-contoh diberikut:

Active tanpa objek:
  • I haven't eaten (Aku belum makan)
  • We have come since 10 minutes ago (Kami sudah hadir semenjak 10 menit lalu)
  • Have you gone to the library? (Apa kalian sudah pergi ke perpustakaan?)
  • Has Bagong slept? (Apa Bagong sudah pulas?)
  • Hasn't she arrived at there? (Apa beliau belum datang di sana?)
Passive tanpa subjek:
  • His scooter has been repaired today (Sekuternya sudah diperbaiki hari ini)
  • Has the rice field been sold? (Apa sawah itu sudah dijual?)
  • The victims haven't been evacuated from the crime scene (Para korban belum dievakuasi dari TKP)
  • Hasn't the TV been switched off? (Apa TV-nya belum dimatikan?)
  • The meeting has been cancelled because this afternoon they can't come (Pertemuannya sudah dibatalkan sebab siang ini mereka tidak sanggup hadir)

  • Kalimat active tanpa objek dan passive tanpa subjek menyerupai contoh-contoh di atas tidak sanggup dibolak-balik dari active ke passive atau sebaliknya.

Baca juga rumus mulut dan nominal kalimat present perfect tense dengan click link diberikut:

Demikian rumus active-passive voice dalam kalimat present perfect tense yang sanggup saya sampaikan, biar sanggup dipahami dengan praktis dan bermanfaa untuk tiruana.