Kata-Kata Yang Sering Membingungkan Dalam Bahasa Inggris (Commonly Confused Words)

Kata-Kata Yang Sering Membingungkan dalam Bahasa Inggris(Commonly Confused Words) – Salam semangat teman bersahabat . Dalam bahasa Inggris, ada banyak kata-kata yang terlihat atau terdengar sama tetapi mempunyai arti yang tidak sama, menyerupai “bellow” (melenguh) dan “below” (di bawah) atau “pore (pori-pori ) dan pour(menuangkan) atau semisal “flaunt(memamerkan) and flout(mencemooh). Kata-kata tersebut sangat membingungkan sebab bahkan fitur “spellcheckers” elektronik sekalipun tidak akan banyak memmenolong dalam situasi menyerupai ini sebab fitur tersebut spesialuntuk sanggup memmenolong memdiberitahu anda bila anda membuat kesalahan “spelling” (ejaan) tetapi fitur tersebut tidak sanggup memdiberitahu anda bila anda sudah menentukan kata dengan makna yang tidak sesuai.  penyalahgunaan kata dieja dengan benar.

Oleh karenanya, pada peluang ini englishiana.com ingin sedikit memmenolong para English Learners di manapun berada supaya bisa membedakan kata-kata tersebut dengan baik sehingga kita tidak lagi membuat kesalahan dalam menempatkan kata-kata yang sering membingungkan dalam bahasa Inggris tersebut sesuai kelas kata dan maknanya.

Berikut yakni daftar pasangan kata yang  sering menjadikan kebingungan dalam bahasa Inggris.

·         accept
·         except
·         to agree to receive or do
·         not including
·         setuju untuk mendapatkan atau melakukan
·         tidak termasuk
·         adverse
·         averse
·         unfavourable, harmful
·         strongly disliking; opposed
·         tidak menguntungkan, berbahaya
·         sangat tidak menyukai; menentang
·         advice
·         advise
·         recommendations about what to do
·         to recommend something
·         rekomendasi tentang apa yang harus dilakukan
·         untuk merekomendasikan sesuatu
·         affect
·         effect
·         to change or make a difference to
·         a result; to bring about a result
·         untuk mengubah atau membuat perbedaan untuk
·         hasilnya; pengaruhl
·         aisle
·         isle
·         a passage between rows of seats
·         an island
·         lorong
·         sebuah pulau
·         all together
·         altogether
·         all in one place, all at once
·         completely; on the whole
·         tiruana bersama-sama
·         sekali
·         along
·         a long
·         moving or extending horizontally on
·         referring to something of great length
·         bersama-sama, sepanjang
·         panjang (Ukuran)
·         aloud
·         allowed
·         out loud
·         permitted
·         lantang
·         diperbolehkan
·         altar
·         alter
·         a sacred table in a church
·         to change
·         altar
·         mengubah
·         amoral
·         immoral
·         not concerned with right or wrong
·         not following accepted sopan santun standards
·         amoral
·         bermoral
·         appraise
·         apprise
·         to assess
·         to inform someone
·         menilai
·         memdiberi kabar
·         assent
·         ascent
·         agreement, approval
·         the action of rising or climbing up
·         persetujuan
·         pendakian
·         aural
·         oral
·         relating to the ears or hearing
·         relating to the mouth; spoken
·         berhubungan dengan indera pendengaran atau pendenganaran
·         lisan
·         balmy
·         barmy
·         pleasantly warm
·         foolish, crazy
·         nyaman
·         berbuih
·         bare
·         bear
·         naked; to uncover
·         to carry; to put up with
·         telanjang / kosong / tidak ada
·         beruang
·         bated
·         baited
·         in phrase 'with bated breath', i.e. in great suspense
·         with bait attached or inserted
·         tertahan
·         berumpan
·         bazaar
·         bizarre
·         a Middle Eastern market
·         strange
·         bazaar
·         guah
·         bellow
·         below
·         Make a deep loud noise like a bull 
·         At or to a lower position
·         Melenguh
·         di bawah
·         berth
·         birth
·         a bunk in a ship, train, etc.
·         the emergence of a baby from the womb
·         dermaga
·         lahir
·         born
·         borne
·         having started life
·         carried
·         lahir
·         ditanggung / dibawa
·         bough
·         bow
·         a branch of a tree
·         to bend the head; the front of a ship
·         dahan
·         mengangguk-anggukan kepala / pecahan depan kapal
·         brake
·         break
·         a device for stopping a vehicle; to stop a vehicle
·         to separate into pieces; a pause
·         rem
·         istirahat
·         breach
·         breech
·         to break through, or break a rule; a gap
·         the back part of a gun barrel
·         pelanggaran
·         sungsang
·         broach
·         brooch
·         to raise a subject for discussion
·         a piece of jewellery
·         mengajukan topik diskusi
·         bros
·         canvas
·         canvass
·         a type of strong cloth
·         to seek people’s votes
·         kanvas
·         kampas
·         censure
·         censor
·         to criticize strongly
·         to ban parts of a book or film; a person who does this
·         kecaman
·         sensor
·         cereal
·         serial
·         a grass producing an edible grain; a breakfast food made from grains
·         happening in a series
·         sereal
·         seri
·         chord
·         cord
·         a group of musical notes
·         a length of string; a cord-like body part
·         chord / kunci (musik)
·         kabel / kawat tali
·         climactic
·         climatic
·         forming a climax
·         relating to climate
·         titikpuncak
·         iklim
·         coarse
·         course
·         rough
·         a direction; a school subject; part of a meal
·         kasar
·         kursus
·         complacent
·         complaisant
·         smug and self-satisfied
·         willing to please
·         puas
·         tamah / harapan membuat senang
·         complement
·         compliment
·         to add to so as to improve; an addition that improves something
·         to praise or express approval; an admiring remark
·         pelengkap
·         pujian
·         council
·         counsel
·         a group of people who manage or advise
·         advice; to advise
·         dewan
·         nasihat
·         cue
·         queue
·         a signal for action; a wooden rod
·         a line of people or vehicles
·         isyarat
·         antre
·         curb
·         kerb
·         to keep something in check; a control or limit
·         (in British English) the stone edge of a pavement
·         Membatasi
·         pinggir jalan
·         currant
·         current
·         a dried grape
·         happening now; a flow of water, air, or electricity
·         kismis
·         saat sekarang
·         defuse
·         diffuse
·         to make a situation less tense
·         to spread over a wide area
·         Menjinakkan
·         Difus
·         desert
·         dessert
·         a waterless, empty area; to abandon someone
·         the sweet course of a meal
·         gurun
·         makan penutup
·         discreet
·         discrete
·         careful not to attract attention
·         separate and distinct
·         bijaksana
·         diskrit
·         disinterested
·         uninterested
·         impartial
·         not interested
·         tidak membedakan
·         tak tertarik
·         draught
·         draft
·         a current of air
·         a first version of a piece of writing
·         berangin
·         rancangan
·         draw
·         drawer
·         an even score at the end of a game
·         a sliding storage compartment
·         seri
·         laci
·         dual
·         duel
·         having two parts
·         a fight or contest between two people
·         ganda
·         duel
·         elicit
·         illicit
·         to draw out a reply or reaction
·         not allowed by law or rules
·         menimbulkan
·         terlarang
·         ensure
·         insure
·         to make certain that something will happen
·         to provide compensation if a person dies or property is damaged
·         memastikan / meyakinkan
·         asuransi
·         envelop
·         envelope
·         to cover or surround
·         a paper container for a letter
·         menyelimuti
·         amplop
·         exercise
·         exorcise
·         physical activity; to do physical activity
·         to drive out an evil spirit
·         olahraga
·         mengusir
·         fawn
·         faun
·         a young deer; light brown
·         a mythical being, part man, part goat
·         rusa
·         dewa hutan / seperi kambing
·         flaunt
·         flout
·         to display ostentatiously
·         to disregard a rule
·         memamerkan
·         mencemoohkan
·         flounder
·         founder
·         to move clumsily; to have difficulty doing something
·         to fail
·         flounder
·         pendiri
·         forbear
·         forebear
·         to refrain
·         an ancestor
·         bersabar
·         leluhur
·         foreword
·         forward
·         an introduction to a book
·         onwards, ahead
·         kata pengantar
·         maju
·         freeze
·         frieze
·         to turn to ice
·         a decoration along a wall
·         membekukan
·         dbuntutasi
·         grisly
·         grizzly
·         gruesome, revolting
·         a type of bear
·         mengerikan
·         grizzly
·         hoard
·         horde
·         a store
·         a large crowd of people
·         menimbun
·         gerombolan
·         imply
·         infer
·         to suggest indirectly
·         to draw a conclusion
·         berarti
·         mengambil kesimpulan
·         loath
·         loathe
·         reluctant, unwilling
·         to hate
·         enggan
·         benci
·         loose
·         lose
·         to unfasten; to set free
·         to be deprived of; to be unable to find
·         longgar
·         kalah
·         meter
·         metre
·         a measuring device
·         a metric unit; rhythm in verse
·         meteran (alat)
·         meter
·         militate
·         mitigate
·         to be a powerful factor against
·         to make less severe
·         berperihalan
·         mengurangi
·         palate
·         palette
·         the roof of the mouth
·         a board for mixing colours
·         langit-langit
·         palet
·         pedal
·         peddle
·         a foot-operated lever
·         to sell goods
·         pedal
·         menjajakan
·         pole
·         poll
·         a long, slender piece of wood
·         voting in an election
·         tiang
·         jajak pendapat
·         pour
·         pore
·         to flow or cause to flow
·         a tiny opening; to study something closely
·         menuangkan
·         pori
·         practice
·         practise
·         the use of an idea or method; the work or business of a doctor, dentist, etc.
·         to do something repeatedly to gain skill; to do something regularly
·         praktek
·         praktek
·         prescribe
·         proscribe
·         to authorize use of medicine; to order authoritatively
·         to officially forbid something
·         meresepkan
·         mengharamkan
·         principal
·         principle
·         most important; the head of a school
·         a mendasar rule or belief
·         kepala Sekolah
·         prinsip
·         sceptic
·         septic
·         a person inclined to doubt
·         infected with bacteria
·         orang yang galau
·         terinfeksi bakteri
·         sight
·         site
·         the ability to see
·         a location
·         pandangan
·         situs
·         stationary
·         stationery
·         not moving
·         writing materials
·         tidak bergerak
·         alat tulis
·         storey
·         story
·         a level of a building
·         a tale or account
·         bertingkat
·         cerita
·         titillate
·         titivate
·         to arouse interest
·         to make more attractive
·         merangsang
·         mendandani
·         tortuous
·         torturous
·         full of twists; complex
·         full of pain or suffering
·         berliku-liku
·         menyiksa
·         wreath
·         wreathe
·         a ring-shaped arrangement of flowers etc.
·         to surround or encircle
·         karangan bunga
·         menyelubungi
·         yoke
·         yolk
·         a wooden crosspiece for harnessing a pair of oxen
·         the yellow center of an egg
·         gerobak pasangan lembu
·         kuning Telur

Baca Juga:
Kata Benda / Noun (Regular dan Irregular)
Kata Benda yang Ada di Kelas (Vocabulary)
Anggota Tubuh dan Gambarnya dalam Bahasa Inggris

Ungkapan-Ungkapan Guru di Kelas dalam Bahasa Inggris

Demikianlah pembahasan kita tentang kata-kata yang sering membingungkan dalam bahasa inggris (commonly confused words) pada peluang kali ini, semoga setelah mempelajari bahan ini kita bisa membedakan kata-kata tersebut dengan baik sehingga kita tidak lagi membuat kesalahan dalam menempatkan kata-kata yang sering membingungkan dalam bahasa Inggris tersebut sesuai kelas kata dan maknanya.

Kata Yang Sering Membingungkan dalam Bahasa Inggris Kata-Kata Yang Sering Membingungkan dalam Bahasa Inggris (Commonly Confused Words)
(Commonly Confused Words) 
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  2. Adjective vs Adverb
  3. Another, Other, dan the Other
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