Contoh Elliptical Sentence / Ellipsis Bahasa Inggris, Arti, Rumus Dan Pengertian Lengkap

Ini pengertian, rumus, pola dan pola elliptical sentence dalam kalimat positive, negative, contrary sentence, conditional sentence dan reduced clause serta dengan memakai coordinate conjunction yang dilengkapi artinya.

Pengertian Elliptical Sentence

Elliptical sentence / ellipsis yaitu suatu bentuk kalimat yang lebih sederhana daripada bentuk kalimat aslinya. Ellipsis dibuat dengan cara menghilangkan kata / phrase yang sama pada kalimat tersebut untuk menghindari pengulangan pengucapan / penulisan.

misalkan dalam B. Indonesia ada kalimat:
  • Ronaldo bermain sepak bola dan saya bermain sepak bola
kalimat di atas dapat dibuat elliptical sentence dengan menghilangkan kata 'bermain' dan 'sepak bola' yang ada pada clause kedua serta menggantinya dgn kata 'juga' menjadi:
  • Ronaldo bermain sepak bola dan saya juga

Berikut ini banyak sekali rumus dan pola penyusunan elliptical sentence dlm B. Inggris:

1. Elliptic dalam kalimat positive

Bisa memakai 'so' atau 'too'

construction & examples:
  • Statement + and + S + auxiliary verbs + too
    • Natalie read a novel, Risma read a novel = Natalie read a novel and Risma did too
    • A bird can fly, A butterfly can fly = A bird can fly and a butterfly can too
    • He is a student, I'm a student = He is a student and I'm too
    • They will watch the movie, I will watch the movie = They will watch the movie and I will too
  • Statement + and + so + auxiliary verbs + S
    • Natalie read a novel, Risma read a novel = Natalie read a novel and so did Risma
    • A bird can fly, A butterfly can fly = A bird can fly and so can a butterfly
    • He is a student, I'm a student = He is a student and so am I
    • They will watch the movie, I will watch the movie = They will watch the movie and so will I

2. Elliptic dalam kalimat negative

Bisa memakai 'either' atau 'neither'

construction & examples:
  • Statement + and + S + auxiliary verbs (-) + either
    • Toying doesn't like tea, Somat doesn't like tea = Toying doesn't like tea and Somat doesn't either
    • Wisnu isn't diligent, Puput isn't diligent = Wisnu isn't diligent and Puput isn't either
    • Bayu can't drive a car, Yuda can't drive a car = Bayu can't drive a car and Yuda can't either
  • Statement + and + neither + auxiliary verbs (+) + S
    • Toying doesn't like tea, Somat doesn't like tea = Toying doesn't like tea and neither does Somat
    • Wisnu isn't diligent, Puput isn't diligent = Wisnu isn't diligent and neither is Puput
    • Bayu can't drive a car, Yuda can't drive a car = Bayu can't drive a car and neither can Yuda

Yang perlu diingat yitu penerapan auxiliary verbs-nya. Jika memakai either maka auxiliary bentuknya negative (-) sedang kalau memakai neither auxiliary bentuknya positive (+). Untuk lebih jelas, perhatikan kembali rumus dan contoh2 di atas.

3. Elliptic dalam kalimat berlawanan (contrary sentence)

Berlawanan maksudnya yaitu yang satu positive dan satunya negative. Ini memakai 'but'

construction & examples:
  • Statement (+) + but + S + auxiliary verbs (-)
    • I love you, He doesn't love you = I love you but he doesn't
    • I have a car, He doesn't have a car = I have a car but he doesn't
    • She can speak English, I can't speak English = She can speak English but I can't
    • They have been in the class, I haven't been in the class = They have been in the class but I haven't
  • Statement (-) + but + S+ auxiliary verbs (+)
    • I don't love you, He loves you = I don't love you but he does
    • I don't have a car, He has a car = I don't have a car but he does
    • She can't speak English, I can speak English = She can't sppeak English but I can
    • They haven't been in the class, I have been in the class = They haven't been in the class but I have

Yang perlu diingat yaitu kalau kalimat statement-nya bentuk positive (+) maka auxiliary-nya negative (-) dan begitu juga sebaliknya.

4. Elliptic yang memakai coordinate conjunction, ibarat and, or

Rumus tdk saya tulis alasannya ialah kata-kata yang dihilangkan dapat kata apapun yang sama dgn kata yang ada pada kalimat statement-nya. Tapi saya harap pola di bawah akan memdiberi penjelasannya secara tdk langsung.
  • I'm cleaning my bedroom, I'm cleaning my bathroom = I'm cleaning my bedroom and bathroom
  • She hugged her baby, She kissed her baby = She hugged and kissed her baby
  • I bought a new car, He bought a new motorcycle = I bought a new car and he motorcycle
  • Merlin likes swimming, Salma likes singing, Dora likes dancing = Merlin likes swimming, Salma singing and Dora dancing
  • Should I go now?, Should I go tomorrow? = Should I go now or tomorrow?

5. Elliptic pada conditional sentence

Rumus juga tdk saya tulis, tetapi dapat diperhatikan contohnya.
  • If you come now, I'll come tomorrow = If you come now, I'll tomorrow / If you come now, I tomorrow
  • I'll attend to her party if you'll attend to her party = I'll attend to her party if you will

6. Elliptic untuk clause yang dikurangi kata2nya (reduced clause)

Yang ini juga tdk saya tulis rumusnya, tetapi dapat dipahami dgn contohnya.
  • The novel "was" written by Andreana was very expensive = The novel written by Andreana was very expensive (novel yang ditulis Andreana sangat mahal)
  • The woman "who is" standing at the door is my mum = The woman standing at the door is my mum (perempuan yang sdg bangun di pintu ialah ibuku)
  • When "he was" sleeping, he snored loudly = When sleeping, he snored loudly (ketika pulas, beliau ngorok dgn keras)
  • I swam on the Kuta beach after "I visited" Tanah Lot = I swam on the Kuta beach after visiting Tanah Lot (aku berenang di pantai Kuta setelah mengunjungi Tanah Lot)

Sekian pembahasan wacana elliptical sentence, biar praktis dipahami dan bermanfaa.