Idiom Bahasa Inggris : Lesson 2 + Arti

Idiom tidak disangkal mengambil tugas dalam sebuah percakapan umum memakai bahasa Inggris. Tidak jarang banyak kesalah pahaman yang dibentuk dikala kita (non-native speaker) bercengkrama-bincang dengan native speaker bahasa Inggris. Untuk itu lah tahu dan berguru terkena idiom bahasa Inggris dirasa sangat perlu.

Melanjutkan artikel sebelumnya, pada peluang kali ini mari kita berguru beberapa idiom bahasa Inggris yang sering dipakai dalam percakapan sehari-hari. Tidak spesialuntuk menampilkan daftar idiom beserta artinya saja, Belajar Bahasa Inggris juga menampilkan sekumpulan teladan penerapan dalam sebuah obrolan percakapan. Semoga beramanfaat. Check this out!!!

Daftar Idiom Bahasa Inggris Lesson 2

Berikut di bawah ini ialah daftar 12 idiom bahasa Inggris beserta artinya:
No Idiom Arti
01 In shape Kuat / sehat
02 (Be) out of shape Lemah / kurang sehat
03 Every other Setiap / satu demi satu
04 Would rather Lebih suka
05 Get together Berkumpul
06 Look forward to Berharap / menanti
07 Robbing someone to pay someone Meminjam untuk membayar utang
08 Have got Mempunyai
09 Be broke Tidak punya uang/ bangkrut
10 Right away Segera
11 Make sense Masuk akal
12 Had better Lebih baik

Dari 12 idom bahasa Inggris di atas, kami masukan ke dalam dua obrolan percakapan di bawah ini beserta catatan kecil terkena perubahan idiom dalam pengunaan sehari-hari.

Dialogue 1 : Getting in shape
Joe : Would you like to play volleyball with us this weekend?
Dave : I'd love to, but I'm really out of shape. I haven't exercised much all winter.
Joe : That's okay. None of us are professionals.
Dave : How ofter do you play?
Joe : Every other Saturday. We would rather play more often, but it's difficult to find a time when everyone can get together.
Dave : What time do you begin?
Joe : At 9:00. I'll look forward to seeing you then.

Dari idiom bahasa Inggris yang bergaris-bawah di obrolan percakapn di atas, diberikut ialah contoh-contoh kalimat yang mungkin dapat diguakan:

(Be) out of shape
- Marry didn't play well because she is out of shape.
- My brother should exercise more. He is out of shape.
- You are out of shape. You need to eat less and walk more.

Every other
- The teacher asked the students to sit in every other seat during the exam.
- She works in her uncle's shop every other Monday.

Would rather
- She'd rather have tea. She doesn't like coffee.
- I'd rather not play tennis today. It's too hot.

Get together
- The whole family got together at Bobby's brithday party last week.
- He gets together with his friends every weekend.
- Did you get together with Steven next week?

Look forward to
- I don't look forward to going to the dentist.
- I'm looking forward to my vacation.
- He is looking forward to his graduation.

(Be) out o shape ialah kebalikan dari idiom (be) in shape yang juga bekerjasama dengan idiom stay in shape dan get in shape.
misal :
- He is in shape because he runs every day.

Would rather biasanya diikuti oleh kata kerja sederhana. Would rather biasanya disingkat menjadi 'd rather dan bentuk negatif dari would rather ialah would rather not.
misal :
- He would rather read than play with the other children.
- Ken wants to go to movies, but I'd rather not.

Look forward to ialah idiom yang diikuti oleh gerund (kata kerja bentuk -ing).
- I'm looking forward to having some free time.

 tidak disangkal mengambil tugas dalam sebuah percakapan umum memakai bahasa Inggris Idiom Bahasa Inggris : Lesson 2 + Arti

Dialogue 2 : Robbing Peter to Pay Paul
Sam : How much money have you got today?
Frank : Oh, about twenty dollars. Why?
Sam : Well, I'm broke and I rally need ten dollars. Could you lend it to me?
Frank : Why don't you ask your brother?
Sam : That's the problem. I borrowed ten dollars from him last month and now he wants his money right away.
Frank : Can't you see that borrowing from one person to pay another doesn't make sense? You had better learn to manage you money.
Sam : I guess you're right. Now, about that ten dollars?

Dari idiom bahasa Inggris yang bergaris-bawah di obrolan percakapn di atas, diberikut ialah contoh-contoh kalimat yang mungkin dapat diguakan:

Have got
- How much money has he got?
- She's got a lot of problems.
- "Would you lend me a pen?" - "I'm sorry, but I haven't got one."
- He can't eat lunch today because he hasn't got the time.

Be broke
- He doesn't have any money. He is broke.
- We can't go to the movies because we are broke.
- I stayed at home last weekend because I was broke.

Right away
- I'm hungry. Let's eat right away.
- Please type the latter right away.

Make sense
- That's a very good idea. It makes sense.
- I didn't understand that book. It didn't make sense.
- I can't understand why Lisa is unhappy. It doesn't make sense.

Had better
- You are sick. You had better not go to work today.
- If we don't want to miss the beginning of the concert, we'd better hurry.

Idiom have got spesialuntuk dipakai untuk simple present tense saja. Kita juga dapat memakai have got to untuk menyatakan keharusan menyerupai pada have to.
- I have got to attend that meeting. (I have to attend that meeting.)

Have got dipakai untuk subjek they, we, I dan you saja. Sedangkan untuk subjek he, she dan it memakai has got. Idiom tersebut juga mempunyai bentuk negatif yaitu haven't got atau hasn't got.
- He has got a new car.
- They haven't got much money.

Have got biasa disingkat menjadi 've got. dan has got biasa disingkat menjadi 's got.
- She's got much money.
- I've got alot of homework tonight.

Idiom had better digolongkan ke dalam jenis modal auxiliary dengan diikuti oleh bentuk sederhana dari verb (kata kerja).
- I had better go to the bank before it closes.

Had better juga dipakai untuk simple present tense saja. Kata had pada had better biasa disingkat menjadi 'd. Sedangkan bentuk negatifnya ialah had better not.
- You'd better not come to work late again.

Semoga artikel tersebut diatas terkena Idiom Bahasa Inggris Lesson 2 dapat bermanfaa bagi teman bersahabat tiruana. Dan apa kalau dari artikel tersebut ada dari teman bersahabat pembaca yang menemukan kesalahan baik berupa penulisan maupun pembahasan, mohon kiranya Koreksi dan masukan yang membangun untuk kemajuan bersama. Terima kasih ^^

Lihat juga Kumpulan Idiom Bahasa Inggris Pilihan yang lain di sini.

1. Idiom in American Life (Julie Howard)
2. Dictionary of American Idioms (McGraw-Hill's)