Pidato Bahasa Inggris Ihwal Pentingnya Pendidikan

hallo teman dekat Ebbi, kali ini admin akan share ihwal pidato bahasa inggris bertemakan ihwal pentingnya pendidikan.

baiklah eksklusif aja disimak guys.

 kali ini admin akan share ihwal pidato bahasa inggris bertemakan ihwal pentingnya pen Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pentingnya Pendidikan

Which one do you choose?
becoming a rich person but stupid or become a well-educated person?

the honourable the juries of speech contest
the honourable all the teachers here
the honourable all the participants and my beloved friends here

Assalamualaikum wr. Wb.

in this time i would like to deliver a speech entitle "the importance of education for our life".

Ladies and gentlemen 

Education is very important right now because through taking education we can get a lot of knowledge that we haven't know before. many of Indonesian people think that education is not important as long as we can search money. They also think that if we can get money without education, so what education for?.

ladies and gentlemen... 
as we know that we live in the globalization era. we have to understand about the progress of life. 
because if we do not follow the life progress, we can be left behind and impossible for us to reach our future dreams.

ladies and gentlemen...
the purpose of education is not just about searching for money but education is about the way we think. it is absolutely true if those who get well educated will be better than those who don't have a good education. 

ladies and gentlemen...

What are the Benefits of Education?

Basically, education is very important to do. the benefits of education can provide many uses, then what are the benefits of such education?

1. Provide Information and Understanding

The first benefits of education are to improve and provide information and understanding of science as a whole to every member of the students. This is one of the most important and is the main purpose and benefits of education. With the education, then each learner will be assisted in understanding and know the various science that continues to grow.

2. increasing the mindset.

The way to think between those who get well educated and those who don’t  well educated is totally different because those who get well educated can solve their problems wisely and can think about the effect before doing something , meanwhile those who don’t get well educated they usually do something without thinking first and they are not good enough on solving their problems.

3. Shaping a good character for a Nation
The benefits of further education are to shape the character of a nation that is dignified and have a good moral. In line with the goal, education should also useful to improve and also shape the character of a nation and have a good moral. From this, we can know that education has a very good impact on our life.

from those benefits, we can know that education is really important for our life, because through education we can get lots of knowledge and moreover nowadays taking education can be done on internet or via online. 

ok guys, I think that's all my speech, i'm so sorry for the mistakes that I've made . the last I say Assalamualaikum .
