Perfect Continuous Tense Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Perfect Continuous Tense dalam bahasa Inggris Perfect Continuous Tense dalam bahasa Inggris
Teknik praktis mencar ilmu bahasa Inggris - Perfect progressive tense mendeskripsikan atau menandakan bencana atau bencana yang terjadi pada masa lampau, dapat berlanjut sampai dikala ini, dan kemungkinan akan berlanjut lagi ke masa depan.  Perfect progressive tense di bagi ke dalam tiga bentuk yaitu present perfect progressive tense, past, dan future progressive tense.

Present perfect progressive tense

Ini ialah tenses yang mempersembahkan pengertian kepada anda terkena bencana yang dimulai dan diakhiri di masa lalu. Meskipun begitu, bencana atau bencana tersebut masih mempunyai kaitan atau akhir dengan masa sekarang. Menggunakan kata kerja have/has + been + ing.

misal :

  1. I have been eating, and I am still full.
  2. She has been running, and she is still tired.
  3. They have been practicing the piano, and they are much better now.

Past perfect progressive tense

Past perfect progressive tense mengilustrasikan sebuah bencana yang berlangsung di masa lampau dan sudah selesai sebelum ada bencana atau situasi lain di masa tersebut. memakai kata kerja had + been + ing.

misal :

  1. I had been eating, and I was still full.
  2. She had been running, and she was still tired.
  3. They had been practicing the piano, and they were much better.

Future progressive tense

Future progressive tense mengindikasikan bencana yang sedang berlangsung dan akan terselesaikan di masa yang akan hadir. Menggunakan kata kerja will + have + been + ing.

misal :

  1. By tonight, I will have been eating for several minutes, and I will be quite full.
  2. By next summer, She will have been running for almost a year, and She will be fit and healthy.
  3. By the time of the concert, They will have been practicing the piano for several months, and They will be much better.