Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Di Rumah Sakit

Sesudah saya share bermacam-macam percakapan bahasa Inggris tentang perkenalan, dan dalam sebuah artikel saya juga share terkena percakapan bahasa Inggris dengan 7 bentuk kondisi yang tidak sama. Selanjutnya ada obrolan antara seorang pasien dengan dokter di sebuah rumah sakit dimana seorang pasien memiliki keluhan serta dokter mempersembahkan investigasi secara detail dan pengobatan. Terjadi juga obrolan tentang diskusi dilema pengobatan dan konsumsi makanan yang tepat. 

Dialog-dialog bahasa Inggris menyerupai ini memang sangat penting sebab mempersembahkan pengarahan yang benar-benar baik kepada seseorang. Orang jadi mengerti bagaimana obrolan di rumah sakit dilakukan dan kosakata apa saja yang dibutuhkan untuk membangun dialog-dialog tersebut. Ok, di bawah ini ada sebuah percakapan bahasa Inggris di rumah sakit yang tadi saya singgung di pertama waktu. Semoga memmenolong.

Image source : Google Images

Mr Andre : Good morning, Dr. Fatih.

Dr Fatih : Good morning. What’s wrong with you? Tell me about your health condition right now.

Mr Andre : I feel bad doc, the fever has been suffering me since yesterday.

Dr Fatih : Yaph, today I meet many patients that have the same condition with you. Do you have any other problem besides that fever?

Mr Andre : Yes doc, I also feel shivering and off course, headache.

Dr Fatih : Let me check your condition by feeling your pulse. Oh, at this time your fever is not going to be serious because it is just about 102 degree.

Mr Andre : Thanks doc for the good news.

Dr Fatih : You are welcome. I will give you some recipes of medicine and you must be better in a few days. But I warn you to be careful and stay to monitor your condition because nobody knows that you will be infected by other viruses or not.

Mr Andre : How can monitor my condition doc? I mean what the symptoms that might be shown?

Dr Fatih : Simply, if in the next 3 days you feel that your body is not much better even though you have consumed the medicine, you come back to me and report your condition again.  

Mr Andre : Thank you, doctor. Have I should take a rest for a long day?

Dr Fatih : I recommend you to take a rest in two until three days. Please wait here, and I will take your medicine.

Mr Andre : off course sir.

Dr Fatih : The medicine that I give is for three days. You need to take the first dose as soon as you came home, the second is after your lunch and at night before sleeping and off course after your dinner. Remember that every single recipe must be eaten after your eat.

Mr Andre : Doc, do you have any other recommendation? I mean that in the category of foods. What should I eat?

Dr Fatih : Soup, brown rice, and the fresh vegetable and fruits.

Mr Andre : Ok doc, I will follow your advice.

Dr Fatih : Good. Any other question?

Mr Andre : Nope.

Dr Fatih : Ok Thank you for your coming Mr Andre, you may get your medicine here but pay on the cashier.

Itulah sebuah percakapan bahasa Inggris di rumah sakit, agar mempersembahkan keluasan wawasan kepada Anda.
