Materi Daily Activity Beserta Pola Teks Dan Soal Latihannya

Materi Daily Activity beserta misal Teks dan Soal Latihan Materi Daily Activity beserta misal Teks dan Soal Latihannya
Halo kawan-kawan, bertemu lagi dengan kami di Hari ini kami akan mengulas wacana Daily Activity. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari tentunya kita mempunyai kegiatan-kegiatan yang rutinnya kita lakukan sehari-hari, dari mulai bangkit pulas, mandi, berangkat ke sekolah, makan, dan seterusnya. Makara Daily Activities disebut juga acara sehari-hari yang biasanya dilakukan setiap hari oleh kita. Teks daily activities memakai Simple Present Tense dan mempunyai susunan yang runtut dari aktifitas ke aktifitas yang lainnya. Sebelum ke pembentukan kalimat dan teks mari kita baca vocabulary wacana daily activities di bawah ini.

Vocabulary Daily Activities

  • Wake up = Bangun
  • Brush my teeth = Menggosok gigiku
  • Comb my hair = Menyisir rambutku
  • Clean the house = Memmembersihkankan rumah
  • Play with my friends = Bermain bersama kawan-kawanku
  • Water the flowers = Menyiram bunga
  • Take a bath = Mandi
  • Wash my face = Mencuci muka
  • Eat breakfast = Sarapan
  • Study at school = Belajar di sekolah
  • Watch TV = Nonton TV
  • Read a book = Membaca buku
  • Wash my hair = Keramas
  • Get dressed = Memakai baju
  • Go to school = Pergi ke sekolah
  • Come back from school = Pulang dari sekolah
  • Do my homework = Mengerjakan PR
  • Go to sleep = Pergi pulas
  • Have dinner = Makan malam
  • Take a break = Istirahat
  • Drink coffee = Minum kopi
  • Take a nap = Tidur siang
  • I have lunch = Makan siang
  • Play video games = Main video games
  • Go shopping = Pergi berbelanja
  • Go out with my friends = Pergi bersama kawan-kawan
  • Go to work = Pergi bekerja
  • Visit my parents = Mengunjungi orang tuaku
  • I drive back home = Aku menyetir kembali ke rumah
misal Kalimat Daily Activity
  • I usually wake up at 04.30 a.m in the morning (Saya biasanya bangkit pada jam 04.30 di pagi hari)
  • I go to school at 06.30 a.m (Aku pergi ke sekolah jam 06.30)
  • My father take me to the school with his car (Ayahku membawa saya ke sekolah dengan mobilnya)
  • In the school, I study from 6.30 a.m until 11.00 a.m (Di sekolah saya berguru dari jam 6.30 - jam 11.00)
  • After school, I play video games with my friends (Sepulang sekolah saya bermain video games dengan kawan-kawanku)
  • I'm doing my homework in the night than I go to sleep (Aku mengerjakan PR-ku di malam hari kemudianaku pergi pulas)
misal Teks Daily Activity.

Teks 1
My Daily Activities
I usually wake up in the morning at 4.00 a.m. Then I immediately pray subuh. Before I go to school I already tidied my room, breakfast, and fed my cat. I go to school at 06.30 with my father accompany me. In the school I study from 06.30 a.m until 12.00 p.m. After school, I immediately change my clothes and have a lunch. After that, I play with my beloved cat. In the afternoon, I usually watch TV with my family. In the night, I do my homework and go to sleep at 09.00.

Teks 2
My Daily Activities
I wake up at 05.00. After that I pray subuh and eat breakfast. I prepare all the books and the things I need for school to the bag. Then I go to school by bike. In the school I studied many things. At 09.30 I take a break and buy food in the canteen. Sometime I am talking with my friends and play around with them. Then I continue study until the end of the school. After school I take a bath and have a lunch. In the afternoon I usually play football with my friends in the field, it is really great to have a good time with friends. Then in maghrib I take a pray and continue reads qur'an. After that I do my homework and sleep.

Teks 3
My Daily Activities
I wake up at 05.00, then I make the bed. I move to the bathroom then I wash my face. Then I clean my house. Before go to work I already have a breakfast and take a bath. I'm working from 8.00 a.m until 15.00 p.m. After work, I take a bath and change clothes. I usually play video games when I am alone at home. In the afternoon I water my plants and sweep the floor. In the night I have dinner that I cooked by myself. I have dinner when I am watching my kesukaane TV show. After that I will get sleepy and go to sleep immediately

Teks 4
My School Activities
I go to school at 6.15 a.m. I go to school with my father. I arrive at school at 6.30 a.m. In the school, I clean my classroom with my friends. Then after the bell ring, all the students go inside the class. Then we pray together. At school, we almost had 3 until 4 subjects to learn. At a 12.30 p.m we finish the lesson, and finally go to home.

Untuk menguji pengetahuan kita wacana daily activities silahkan untuk mengunduh soalnya pada link di bawah ini:

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