100 Idiom Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Tumpuan Kalimatnya

 Idiom dalam Bahasa Inggris dan misal Kalimatnya 100 Idiom dalam Bahasa Inggris dan misal Kalimatnya
Pada peluang kali ini kami akan membagikan 100 misal Idiom dalam Bahasa Inggris dan misal Kalimatnya. Idiom ialah sebuah adonan beberapa kata dalam bahasa inggris yang ialah sebuah perumpamaan atau bukanlah arti sebenarnya. Idiom ini sering dipakai dalam percakapan sehari-hari dan dalam goresan pena sekalipun. Mari kita simak 100 misal Idiom dalam Bahasa Inggris dan misal Kalimatnya diberikut ini.

I slept like a log!  (Aku pulas dengan nyenyak sekali)
misal Kalimat : I didn't hear the storm outside, I was so tired that I slept like a log all night

Think twice! (Berpikirlah dengan hati-hati sebelum engkau tetapkan sesuatu, pertimbangkan tiruana ancaman atau masalahnya)
misal Kalimat: Most burglars will think twice before trying to break into a house with a dog.

It's not my cup of tea! (Itu bukan jenis atau gaya yang biasanya saya sukai!)
misal Kalimat : Romantic comedies aren't really my cup of tea. I preferscience fiction or action films.

To be pushing up daisies. (mati, berada di dalam kubur)
misal Kalimat: The year 3000 will be new and exciting, but I'll be pushing up daisies by that time!)

It slipped my mind! (Aku lupa, Aku lupa untuk melakukannya!)
misal Kalimat: I'm sorry that I forgot your birthday, it completely slipped my mind! Let me take you out for dinner, okay?

To cry wolf. (memanggil menolongan ketika kamu tidak membutuhkan menolongan atau tidak benar-benar ada di dalam bahaya, jadi orang-orang berhenti mendengarkanmu)
misal Kalimat: Don't cry a wolf like that, calling the police with small problems! They'll stop coming, and maybe you'll really need their help someday.

I lost my train of thought! (Aku lupa apa yang akan saya katakan!)
misal Kalimat: Wait, you've made me lose my train of thought. Now, what was I talking about you? Oh yes...

Get/ enter into the spirit (mulai merasa senang dan tidak sabar)
misal Kalimat: Halloween is coming! This year, I think I'll get into the spirit and wear a costume.

I'm a night owl! (Aku selalu begadang/ Aku suka berdiri malam-malam)
misal Kalimat: I go usually go to bed about 3am. I just like studying and reading at night when It's quiet. I guess I'm a bit of a night owl, really.

It's up and running! (Itu bekerja dan sudah selesai dibenarkan)
misal Kalimat: Our computers are all down. We'll be able to work faster when they're up and running again.

I made a fool of myself! (Aku membuat kesalahan yang memalukan! dan menciptakanku terlihat udik dan konyol)
misal Kalimat: He drank too much at the party and made a big fool of himself.

Face the music! (Terima eksekusi dan konsekuensinya)
misal Kalimat: After failing his test, he had to face the music and tell his mother the truth.

I missed the boat! (Aku kehilangan peluang. Aku tidak mendapat sesuatu yang saya inginkan alasannya saya terlambat bertindak)
misal Kalimat : I don't get the limited edition of lego because I missed the boat

A skeleton in the cupboard (aib/ belakang layar yang memalukan, khususnya yang terjadi padamu atau pada keluargamu di masa lalu)
misal Kalimat: If you want to be a politician, then you can't have too many skeletons in the cupboard.

It gave me the creeps! (Perasaan takut ketika berada di daerah guah dan tidak sangat bahagia)
misal Kalimat: I don't like walking past that old house. It really gives me the creeps, especially late at night!

A needle in a haystack (Sesuatu yang hampir mustahil ditemukan)
misal Kalimat: How do you hope to find him? Searching for one person in this big city is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

To join forces (bekerja sama untuk mencapai tujuan/ untuk berafiliasi dengan seseorang)
misal Kalimat: Local police stations have joined forces in order to deal with this problem.

To have egg on your face (menciptakan kesalahan yang memalukan/ menyampaikan sesuatu yang salah sampai menciptakanmu terlihat bodoh)
misal Kalimat: The police have arrested the wrong man, and now thy've got egg on their faces.

Two's company, three's a crowd! (Tidak boleh ada orang ketiga dalam sebuah hubungan)
misal Kalimat: Jgua and I have a date. I hope you understand. Three's a crowd, you know!

In the long run (Nanti di masa depan, tapi tidak sekarang)
misal Kalimat : Learning English is not easy, but it is a good investment of your time. In the long run, it will bring you many advantages and opportunities.

You drive me up the wall! (Kau menciptakanku gila! kamu menggangguku!)

misal Kalimat: The music is driving me up the wall!

Two can play at that game! (Jika kamu mencoba untuk membahayakanku atau berlaku tidak adil, maka saya akan melaksanakan hal yang sama kepadamu)
misal Kalimat: So, she's not speaking to me? Well, two can play at that game.

I'm turning over a new leaf! (Aku akan merubah hidupku! Aku akan membuat awal yang baru! Aku akan berkelakuan yang lebih baik)
misal Kalimat: He wasn't a good student in school. However, he's decided to turn over a new leaf. He plans to enter university and study hard from now on.

The black sheep (Seseorang yang tidak sama dari tiruana keluarga atau kelompok, dan dikenal sebagai seseorang yang gagal, mempunyai aib, dan memalukan)
misal Kalimat: Because he's the black sheep of the family, he's rarely invited to family gathering.

Red tape (aturan yang tidak penting yang menyulitkanmu untuk menuntaskan pekerjaan)
misal Kalimat: For goverment jobs, there's a lot of red tape to go through. Applications and interviews an forms to fill out.

Put yourself in my shoes! (mencoba untuk mengerti perasaan khususnya pada ketika kesusahan)

misal Kalimat: Don't be angry with her. Just try to put yourself in her shoes. Don't you know how she feels?

Out of the frying pan, into the fire! (Sesudah keluar dari satu masalah, masuk lagi ke persoalan lain yang lebih parah)

misal Kalimat: He changed jobs because he was so unhappy but his new job is worse! Like they say, it's out of the frying pan, into the fire!

Only time will tell! (Kita tidak sanggup tahu apa yang akan terjadi ke depan, spesialuntuk waktu yang sanggup menjawaban)
misal Kalimat: Have we made the right choice? Only time will tell, I guess. We'll just have to wait and see what happens.

On second thoughts (aku berubah pikiran)
misal Kalimat: I'll have a coffee, please. Oh no, wait... on second thoughts, make it a tea, not coffee!

Mother Nature (Alam)
misal Kalimat: Even with all our technology, we human must still respect the power of Mother Nature, with her typhoons, earthquakes and volcanoes.

Make yourself at home! (Memdiberitahu para tamu biar mereka sanggup bersantai di rumahmu ibarat di rumah mereka sendiri)
misal Kalimat: Welcome! Come in and sit down, just make yourself at home.

Level-headed (Tenang, sanggup dipercaya, dan peka, sanggup membuat keputusan yang benar walaupun berada di situasi yang buruk)
misal Kalimat: A good doctor should be calm and level-headed at all the times.

Let's paint the town red! (Untuk merayakan sesuatu atau bersenang-senang di tempat-tempat kota)

misal Kalimat: Our exams are finished! Let's go and paint the town red!

Let's get the ball rolling! (Mari kita memulai aksi!)
misal Kalimat: Thank you for coming to this meeting. It's time to get the ball rolling. John! would you like to start?

Let's break the ice! (Ungkapan untuk memulai keakraban di lingkungan yang baru)
misal Kalimat: The teacher used an ice-breaking activity to helplearn the students' names.

Keep an eye on it! (Lihat baik-baik! Perhatikan!)
misal Kalimat: Can you keep an eye on mybag for me? I'll be right back.

It's water under the bridge! (Yang kemudian biarlah silam)

misal Kalimat: I apologized to my mother for being a difficult teenager many years ago. She told me it was just water under the bridge and said we should just forget about it.

I'm off the hook! (Aku sudah bebas dari persoalan yang rumit)

misal Kalimat: My boss let me offthe hook and said she dosn't need me.

Hang in there! (Tetap bertahan!)
misal Kalimat: Hang in there, okay? You are almost finished. You can't give up now!

He eats like a horse! (Dia makannya banyak banget)

misal Kalimat: How does she stay so thin? She eats like a horse! I wish I had her metabolism!

Down to earth (Membumi/ realistis, peka, rendah hati)
misal Kalimat : I like Brad Pitt very much. He seems like a very normal, friendly, down to earth guy.

Don't lose your head! (Tetap tenang, tidakboleh gegabah, tidakboleh rusuh, tidakboleh gelagapan)
misal Kalimat: I'll help you find your wallet, please don't lose your head.

Don't let the cat out of the bag! (Jangan bilang-bilang belakang layar ini kepada siapapun)
misal Kalimat: I think someone let the cat out of the bag. He alreadyknows all about his surprise party.

Don't cry over spilt milk (Masa kemudian tidak akan sanggup berubah dengan menyesalinya)
misal Kalimat: It's no use crying over spilt milk, you know. You'll just have to go and get another one.

Don't bury your head in the sand! (Jangan abaikan ancaman dan masalah!)
misal Kalimat: If there's a problem, you can't just bury your head in the sand and hope that it goes away!

I cut some corners! (Aku melakukannya dengan cara simpel atau jalan pintas yang menghemat waktu biaya, dan energi)
misal Kalimat: The director only had a small budget, so he had to cut corners in order to finish the film.

I've got a crush on you! (Aku mempunyai perasaan cinta padamu, biasanya dipakai untuk cinta yang tidak bertahan usang <cuman gebetan doang>)
misal Kalimat: When I was in school, I had a huge crush on my neighbour, but she/he never noticed me.

I'm burning the midnight oil! (Aku begadang untuk bekerja atau belajar)
misal Kalimat: Tomorrow I'm taking a test. I've got to the burn the midnight oil tonight with a little bit of last minute studying!

I'm bending over backwards! (Aku bekerja sangat keras khususnya untuk menjadi mempunyai kegunaan bagi seseorang)
misal Kalimat: I don't know why he's unhappy. I'm bending over backwards to help him.

A pie in the sky (Mimpi, ide, atau rencana yang mustahil terjadi)
misal Kalimat: You can't open a business unless you have any money to get started. Otherwise, It's just a pie in the sky venture.

You caught my eye! (Kau mengalihkan perhatianku)
misal Kalimat : As I was driving down the motorway, a large advertisement caught my eye.

Blow your own trumpet (Memamerkan dengan besar kepala pencapaian-mu)
misal Kalimat: Paul enjoys blowing his own trumpet. He certainly thinks he's the best.

Keep your hair on! (Tenang, tidakboleh marah-marah!)
misal Kalimat: Hey dude, keep your hair on. She won't cheat on you anyway!

To jump from the cock to the donkey (Mengubah topik begitu saja tanpa alasan yang terperinci pada suatu percakapan)
misal Kalimat: We're talking about your project, please do not jump from the cock to the donkey.

The fence is not made from sausage (Itu tidak sebagus yang engkau kira sebelumnya)
misal Kalimat: It's a regret to order from that online shop, the fence is not made from sausage.

Go to bed with the chickens (Pergi pulas lebih awal)
misal Kalimat: I'm too tired, now I go to bed with the chickens.

Did an elephant step on your ear? (Kamu mempunyai selera musik yang jelek / Kamu gabisa main musik / tak sanggup menyanyi)
misal Kalimat: Stop singing! DId an elephant step on your ear?

You have tomatoes on your eyes. (Kau tidak melihatnya pdahal itu ada di depanmu)
misal Kalimat: Oh, god. Look! your phone is just in front of you. You have tomatoes on your eyes.

Monkeys bite me! (Kaget)
misal Kalimat: Why did you stand there?! The monkeys bite me!

Sell like hot cake (barang yang dijual laku manis)
misal Kalimat: The nasi goreng today sell like a hot cakes.

Spill the beans (Berkata jujur)
misal Kalimat: You stole it right?! please spill the beans, I won't report you to the police.

Use your noodle (Gunakan otakmu)
misal Kalimat: Why did your test score is so bad? Just use your noodle!

Hard nut to crack (Susah untuk dimengerti; biasanya merujuk pada orang)
misal Kalimat: I told you sorry for a hundred times! What do you want actually?! You such a hard nut to crack.

A couch potato (Seseorang yang duduk di bangku sambil menonton tv)
misal Kalimat: She's such a lazy person, she spent all her time for sitting like a couch potato.

One smart cookie (Orang yang sangat pintar)
misal Kalimat: She is always number one in her class. She's one smart cookie.

Piece of cake (cepatdangampang sekali)
misal Kalimat: I will do the group project all by myself, It just a piece of cake.

Freeze one's buns off (Kedinginan sekali)
misal Kalimat: The weather today isn't good, I wear warm clothes like freeze one's buns off.

Gravy train (Bayaran yang banyak dengan kerja yang sedikit)
misal Kalimat: I like this job, It's like a gravy train for me.

Butter someone up (Menjadi sangat manis pada seseorang secara tiba-tiba dan tidak biasanya)
misal Kalimat: Mr. President will come in 30 minutes we better buttersomeone up now!

Cheesy (Lemah)
misal Kalimat: She's so cheesy, I don't want to play with her.

Cool as a cucumber (Sangat nyaman/rileks)
misal Kalimat: This beach is as cool as a cucumber, I like it a lot.

Cream of the crop (Yang terbaik)
misal Kalimat: This car is the cream of the crop in it class.

Apple of one's eye (Seseorang yang sangat disukai)
misal Kalimat: You are the apple of my eye.

Have a bun in the oven (Hamil)
misal Kalimat: My mother have a bun in the oven! now I will have a little sister!

Bad egg (Seseorang yang sering kena masalah)
misal Kalimat: I'm tired to see you again in my room. Why did you always make problems in school? You such a bad egg!

Big cheese (Orang yang sangat penting/ VIP)
misal Kalimat: Mr. President is the one of the big cheese in town.

Cut from the same cloth (Sama persis)
misal Kalimat: My son and I are cut from the same cloth.

With a fine-toothed comb (Cari dengan baik)
misal Kalimat: We went over the flat with a fine-toothed comb

Fit like a glove (Pas, Cukup di badan)
misal Kalimat: That dress fits you like a glove.

To lose one's shirt (Kehilangan uang terakhir yang tersisa)
misal Kalimat: I lost my shirt in a poker game

Roll up one's sleeves (Bersiap untuk bekerja keras)
misal Kalimat: It's time to roll up your sleeves and get to work

Have an ace up one's sleeve (Mempunyai laba yang orang lain tidak tahu)
misal Kalimat: That girl always has an ace up her sleeve.

To laugh up one's sleeve (Tertawa membisu diam)
misal Kalimat: I was laughing up my sleeve during the whole meeting.

Get the boot (Dipecat)
misal Kalimat: I got the boot today, I have to find a new job.

Below the belt (Tidak adil)
misal Kalimat: That move was below the belt.

Like two peas in a pod (Mirip sekali)
misal Kalimat: They're like two peas in a pod.

As red as a cherry (Sangat merah)
misal Kalimat: Her cheeks were as red as cherry)

Walk on eggshells (Mencoba untuk tidak membuat seseorang marah)
misal Kalimat: I've been walking on eggshells around my boyfriend.

To go bananas (Menjadi gila)
misal Kalimat: He went bananas

Bring home the bacon (Membawa uang)
misal Kalimat: My husband brings home the bacon.

Have a bigger fish to fry (Banyak hal penting untuk dilakukan)
misal Kalimat: I couldn't attend the meeting. I had a bigger fish to fry.

Money is no object (Harganya tidak masalah)
misal Kalimat : Waiter! bring me your best champagne, money is no object.

To tighten one's belt (Menghemat uang)
misal Kalimat: We recently had to tighten our belt.

To work for peanuts (Bekerja dengan penghasilan yang kecil)
misal Kalimat: I'm done working for peanuts!

To go broke (bangkrut)
misal Kalimat: Many businesses go broke.

As poor as a church mouse (Sangat miskin)
misal Kalimat: My teacher is as poor as a church mouse.

Once in a blue moon (sangat jarang)
misal Kalimat: We go out once in a blue moon.

In black and white (hitam di atas putih/perjanjian)
misal Kalimat: It was in the agreement in black and white.

Roll out the red carpet (menyapa seseorang dengan ramah)
misal Kalimat: They rolled out the carpet for me.

A white lie (Kebohongan kecil)
misal Kalimat: I told a white lie to not hurt her feelings.

Out of the blue (Tiba-tiba)
misal Kalimat: He got mad at me out of the blue.

Baiklah, Cukup sekian 100 Idiom dalam bahasa inggris dan pola kalimatnya. Sebenarnya ini spesialuntuk sebagian kecil dari idiom, Kamu sanggup membaca pada buku engkaus idiom untuk lebih banyaknya/ Semoga sanggup menambah kosa kata kalian dalam bahasa inggris. Jangan lupa share dan diberikan komentar pada kolom di bawah ini. Thank you very much, see you on the next post!