Sesudah kita mengetahui apa itu yes or no questions, sekarang pembelajaran dilanjutkan ke WH questions. cepatdangampangnya, WH questions sama dengan pertanyaan yang dimulai dengan apa, siapa, dimana, kapan, mengapa, dan bagaimana.
Apa bahasa Anda?
Siapa ayah Anda?
Dimana Anda dilahirkan?
Kapan Anda lulus SD?
Mengapa Anda hadir kemari?
Bagaimana Anda dapat hingga kesini?
Berikut yakni daftar WH questions beserta jenis pertanyaannya:
WH | Jenis Pertanyaan | misal |
who | siapa? | Who is that? That's Andy |
where | dimana? | Where do you live? In Jakarta |
why | mengapa? | Why do you help me? I think you need my help |
when | kapan? | When will you go? Tomorrow |
how | bagaimana? | How do you go? By car |
what | apa? | What are you doing? I am shopping. |
which | yang mana? | Which one is better? I don't know. |
whose | siapa pemilik? | Whose is this car? Andy |
what time | pukul berapa? | What time is it? It's 7.00 AM. |
how many | berapa banyak? | How many people there? It's about 20 people. |
how much | berapa banyak? | How much money did he has? It's much more than yours. |
how long | berapa lama? | How long did you stay in my home? An hour. |
how often | seberapa sering? | How often do you go to the market? Twice a month. |
how far | berapa jarak? | How far is your home? It's one mile far. |
how old | berapa umur? | How old is he? He is 16. |
Semoga memmenolong Anda.